Wednesday, January 17, 2007

С Новым Годом!

Happy new year to you all! It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks as I ventured forth from the cold north to pay a visit to my dear friends and family in Texas. It was a great surprise for my Mom, who had no idea I was coming, and a real treat for me, as I hadn't anticipated returning until March. So first off, thanks to my Dad for gifting me a ticket to come back. Despite losing my Russian work visa somewhere along the way, and scrambling to replace it at the embassy in Paris, it was an alltogether joyous trip. Here are photos.Here's my friend and sometime roomate (and editor of effing press) Scott Pierce crossing Shoal Creek. Though the buildup of massive skyscraping loftblocs troubled me more than a little, it warmed my heart to see old Austin sights, like the thundercloud lightning bolt glowing in the window.In Dallas, a happy reunion with Ben Berger and Greg Martin. We walked Oak Lawn and Greenville, and visited the new Good Records location (its polyphonic!). Ben and I thrashed Greg and some drunk guy in foosball (though the blame for the loss lies on the drunk guy and not Greg, who played quite valiantly) and doubting bartenders scrutinized my passport before aquiescing to serve me lone star.After a harrowing day in Paris, running about, documents and money in hand, visa concerns filling my brain, I recline in the pre-boarding lounge at Charles De Gaulle airport. It's 10:30, and I'm waiting for a plane to Helsinki, and losing my mind a bit. So this is the ceiling of the seemed beautiful to me at the time. Suppose it still is.I arrived back in Russia just in time for Old (Gregorian) Russian New Year. The Russians celebrate whenever possible, and fireworks are of course a necessity. A group of us found an exit out to the roof, and shot off bottle rockets with champagne and cheering. We were saluted by other rooftops in return. In this photos we have two Englishmen, Liam and Craig (head sticking out the window), two Russian ladies, Luba and Yana, and Dan the Wisconsonite. We stepped carefully up there, as the snow was falling and the metal roof was quite slick. Dan nearly lost it here.Star with sparkler!Sparklers for everyone!
A Russian new year roofscape. This is the top of St. Petersburg. May you all enjoy the new year and all it brings. I send my love from Russia.


Blogger Angela O. said...

It was great seeing you; thanks for stopping by the office on your quick trip. Your New Years Eve looks lovely--what a great way to ring in the new year.

1/17/2007 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you in Russia. Hope you'll have time for our language interchange :) Say hello to Dan

1/19/2007 05:00:00 AM  
Blogger Kyle Vernon said...

Next time you are on greenville, let me know. I worked my way through school down there and now work there some nights in addition to my regular day job. I used to work at the Beagle, that big joint next to the Good Records location. In short, when partying with me on Greenville, there is no need to pay cover or show an id. Anyway, glad you got to visit. When are you coming home to stay?

1/22/2007 01:54:00 PM  

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