Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Help Me Destroyer!!

Ive been searching for new songs from Destroyer's next album, Rubies. So far, I've found one "European Oils," it's quite nice! Mr. Dan Bejar has been singing my heart song for the last 2 years or so, and each new release tends to be better than the last. Alas, this information age has spoiled me, and I now feel entitled to a copy of this record (due out in mid february) immediately. I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over, I want to destroy right now. So if any of you readers happen to have a copy....Ill make you a batch of Lefsa for it!

So, Kong was amazing! Ill refrain from going too deeply into it, just know that it's massive, massive adventure. It seemed to me, the main focus of Jackson's take on the Kong story is man's fascination with the mysteries. The fewer they become in the world the more fervent is our desire to seek them out. Unfortunately, just as Kong, awash in the spectacle of his many struggling girl dolls, unwittingly smashed the bones of woman after sacrificial woman, so too does man destroy the mysteries he is lucky enough to behold. Rooooooooooar! Fight back mystery, fight back!!!!

Not a whole lot more to report today. Ive begun using the "Rosetta Stone" language software for help in my Russian studies. I find it to be a very effective tool! From what I understand, it's what the Department of State and the Military use for ultra-rapid language aquisition. Its intent is to replicate the learning process of an infant through repetition, and complete immersion (in this instance, an absolute lack of your native language). Though it's a bit pricey it seems quite useful.

I wanted to also mention a great resource I found for global folklore. This site is organized according to theme or subject. Each topic will contain tales from peoples the world over. It's an interesting way to get a taste of how different cultures treat a variety of diverse issues. I've always been drawn to old folk addages and stories. There is something resonant about them that humbles and settles me. It's the same feeling religous folks get from their ancient texts, I suppose. Here it is! Enjoy!


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